
Viewlet interfaces

interface zope.viewlet.interfaces.IViewlet[source]

Extends: zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider

A content provider that is managed by another content provider, known as viewlet manager.

Note that you cannot call viewlets directly as a provider, i.e. through the TALES provider expression, since it always has to know its manager.


The Viewlet Manager

The viewlet manager for which the viewlet is registered. The viewlet manager will contain any additional data that was provided by the view, for example the TAL namespace attributes.

interface zope.viewlet.interfaces.IViewletManager[source]

Extends: zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider, zope.interface.common.mapping.IReadMapping

A component that provides access to the content providers.

The viewlet manager’s resposibilities are:

  1. Aggregation of all viewlets registered for the manager.
  2. Apply a set of filters to determine the availability of the viewlets.
  3. Sort the viewlets based on some implemented policy.
  4. Provide an environment in which the viewlets are rendered.
  5. Render itself containing the HTML content of the viewlets.